Seth Rogen presents a school... FOR YOUR MIND!

Okay, every school’s for your mind, but this one physically helps your BRAIN. Seth’s gonna teach you scientifically proven ways to ward off dementia. So get ready, cause class is in session!

Seth Rogen presents a school... FOR YOUR MIND!

Okay, every school’s for your mind, but this one physically helps your BRAIN. Seth’s gonna teach you scientifically proven ways to ward off dementia. So get ready, cause class is in session!
What’s that you say, you’re too young to worry about Alzheimer’s?
     Not true! Scientists have learned that the best way of avoiding Alzheimer's disease and related dementias when you’re old is by making key lifestyle changes right now.
Alzheimer's can actually begin 20-30 years before you ever notice a symptom.

     We haven’t even started yet, and you’ve already learned something.

Welcome to HFCUniverse!

Congratulations! You’ve been accepted at HFCU, the Harvard of online Alzheimer’s education schools led by popular comedians. And unlike the real Harvard, HFCU is totally free, doesn’t require an application essay, and there’s no homework—just some work that you’ll do at your home to help you learn!

Best of all, when you “graduate” from HFCU, instead of some stodgy old diploma that’ll do nothing but gather dust on a wall and get you a high-paying job at a prestigious law firm, you’ll get something WAY more important: the tools to keep your brain in top shape in the fight against dementia.

What else will you get?

And just like Tulane, HFCU is a total party school. You’ll meet a community of other people who are cool enough to know that Alzheimer's is not that cool and definitely worth avoiding.

Fun, bite-sized nuggets of mind-blowing, mind-healing tips for eating, sleeping, exercising and chilling out, all proven to protect your brain.
Maybe a rate-my-professor style survey, and what the hell, I’ll even throw in a diploma too!
Fun quizzes to make sure you’re following (no pressure).
Write your awesome label here.
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Get to know our courses

HFCU connects with people of all ages and backgrounds through original content, in-person events, and virtual gatherings - empowering them to care for their brains, talk to their friends and loved ones about dementia and reach out for assistance through our respite care grants and support programs.

Health 101

Get started here with your foundational course on all the basics on brain health and Alzheimer's disease.

Brain Health 201 -

Brain Health Pillars

Meet your five celeb

professors who will be
covering the five brain
health pillars!

Brain Health 301 -

The Master Class

Join world-renowned neurologist, Dr. Richard Isaacson. 19 master-level courses on everything from supplements to genetics.

More about HFC

Hilarity for Charity is a national non-profit on a mission to care for families impacted by Alzheimer's disease, activate the next generation of Alzheimer's advocates, and be a leader in brain health research and education.

About HFC

HFC cares for Alzheimer’s family caregivers, drives awareness, and inspires change with our brain health education.

Brain Health

HFC helps people build more dementia-resistant brains. 

HFC Programs

HFC connects experts with caregivers to provide support for families affected by Alzheimer’s and related dementias.


HFC entertains and inspires as we raise funds to support our programs.

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